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Started as a hobby among few friends who are professionals in various industries in Sri Lanka, driven by passion to explore the wilderness & to enjoy camping in the Wild more than 15 years ago. Later decided to share the experience with others. Dev's campground was opened in 2015 as a private campground for selected people in & outside Sri Lanka to share the ultimate experience of the wilderness. In 2017, the campground was fully opened for bookings for the public. Since then  our journey has been awesome!

Dev's Campground is located near the Udawalwe-Yala Elephant corridor, surrounded by Chena cultivated lands. A private campground that offers "Authentic Camping" closer to the Wilderness of Sri Lanka! Personalized Safari game rides to Udawalwe, Yala, Bundala &  Riddiyagama Safari parks enables us to deliver the ultimate experience of the Wild in Sri Lanka. The experience is further shaped up by our visits to the cultural sites & heritage sites abundant in the area. It truly is an experience of a lifetime.

Outdoor DINING
Private BBQ Area
& Fire Pit
Eco Toilet
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